Guys what do you think of girls with muscle
Guys what do you think of girls with muscle

guys what do you think of girls with muscle

guys what do you think of girls with muscle guys what do you think of girls with muscle

my husband knows that i know karate and supports me.but he thinks he can handle me. This site is cool! i am a brown belt in karate. she has never became violent.but if she did i would be in trouble. My wife can make me say give my straddling my legs. older men who drink have no chance against a younger sober woman who is athletic. I have witnessed a few women beating up men.and as a woman it looked great. THIS IS MODERN TIMES.WOMEN ARE STRONG AND PROUD NOW. are badly mistaken.many women are quicker on thier feet than the men in thier lives. Women cant beat up men! they might become strong.but they would shiver in fear around any man!!

guys what do you think of girls with muscle

i am in much better shape physically.i work out and do strength training. Karen - how old are you if you dont mind me asking? How old is your hubby? my new husband knows i could handle him.but he is older and more frail than me. once he realized that i could flip him to the floor easily.he would not try anything.that was a few years back. I have had to use self defense training on my first husband. Lou, its easy for you to claim you can handle are not that strong. Sorry hubby but your 90 pound frame is not worth one punch.Better for you to fight your wife.Perhaps you stay alive then.

Guys what do you think of girls with muscle plus#

I cant beat up my husband.He is 6.7 and 220 plus and my judoteacher.But I can crush average man like I want.I am 6.3 and not far 200.In school I always challenged the boys to blame them.I was the bettest in track at school and loved to wrestle dad at home.Also I did lot to train muscles I always tried to train with the boys to show them who is in charge.I never lost a strenght test to any boy and at 18 lots of men got blamed by me in the weightroom.Once I watched three boys my age doing 400 meter races.I gave them a start of 100 and followed.In the middle of finish line I got them and won with ease.There was a few air left in their lungs and they were finished.But I had been fit again after a short while.It was a great feeling seeing those guys beeing castrated by me.I had been very agressive at my youth.Now I am 28 and more peacefull but do also lot sports.But still I dont have respect of smaller men.Because I dont like puny bodys who are weaker than me.When my husband and I fight at judo he has to struggle but always wins.The other men are no match for me.I dont fight against women because it would be a choke also men at 5.8 or less. Bet you are from usa as not many women in uk are like that unfortunately. eat to hear that the 2 of you can enjoy that sort of relationship. i'm younger than him and much faster on my feet. i dont beat him up.but he knows if i got violent his only option would be to run. now women can fight back! we are no longer defenseless. Many women have used self defense or even stronger muscles on husbands who get drunk or try to get abusive. Regular male? what is up? this is a poll. while you were getting fit and learning self defense.ole hubby was probably supporting you. Sandy, you sound like a self centered jerk. Why did you feel the need to get self defence? Was hubbie being abusive to you?ĭaniel, no never.but at one time he was stronger and could play wrestle i can play wrestle him and he just gets winded. Women who beat up men Question: CAN YOU BEAT UP YOUR HUSBAND?

Guys what do you think of girls with muscle